Wednesday 6 November 2013


From Cardiff to Conwy, from Newport to Narberth, from Abertillery to Aberystwyth, these days you can't move very far around the "Church" scene in Wales without coming across boards and banners advertising the Alpha Course. Little pictures of a man carrying a giant worm while bouncing a red football on his knee are just everywhere. That's a question mark, I hear you say! Well, if it is, it's appropriate enough. A very big question mark indeed hangs over the Alpha Course. 

"Explore the meaning of life!" the slogan urges. I personally also implore you to explore. To explore the meaning of the Alpha Course itself, and thus discover what it is REALLY all about!

Let's kick off with this. If a picture paints a thousand words, this photograph should speak a thousand words of warning to all who are genuinely God's people, concerning the true nature and significance of Nicky Gumbel's Alpha Course. 

"With Hell are we at agreement!"  The Rev. Nicky Gumbel 
shakes Pope John-Paul II's hand at the Vatican in 2004.

Alpha was birthed in 1977 at Holy Trinity Brompton, a London parish of the apostate Church of England, and has remained headquartered there ever since. The brainchild of the Rev. Charles Marnham, it was subsequently developed into its continuing 10-week format by the Very Rev. John Irvine. Then in 1990, running of the course was taken over by the Rev. Nicky Gumbel, who moulded it into what it is today. (Of course, no MAN should be called Reverend, let alone VERY Reverend, but that is another story...)

From its very small and localized beginnings, it has now grown to absolutely enormous proportions, and travelled such that it is now a truly global "Christian" phenomenon. By 2008, over 33,500 courses were being offered in no less than 163 countries by all major "Christian" denominations. Over 15 million people worldwide have attended an Alpha Course, 2,500,000 in the UK alone where 7,000+ churches are currently running the course. 

It knows no denominational divide, with Anglicans, Baptists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, Independents and Anything Goes all eagerly stumping up the cost of the course materials and busily organizing Alpha suppers! If such universal appeal amongst Protestants of all shades of doctrinal opinion was not sufficient to set alarm bells ringing loudly in the brain of a born-again believer, those bells should be reaching a eardrum-bursting crescendo when we find that the Alpha Course is of equal appeal to the Roman Catholic Church!

Carefully consider the words of Catholic Bishop Ambrose Griffiths, as reported in the July, 1997 issue of 'Alpha News': "It doesn't contain anything that is contrary to Catholic doctrine." STOP! RE-WIND! RE-PLAY!


Is there blood now oozing out of your ears from shattered ear-drums? That is one seriously loaded statement from a senior spokesman for the R.C. community! The alarm bells should now be in overdrive! NOTHING in Alpha challenges Catholic doctrine? This really says it all! With this revelation, we need no longer wonder why the course is now running in thousands of Catholic parishes in 70 countries worldwide! There is NO DOCTRINAL DIVISION, and so it can be truly and chillingly observed of Alpha-acclaiming, supposedly sound "evangelical Christians" that they are effectively saying "with hell are we at agreement." (Isaiah 28:15)

This utterly unholy accord with Rome was very firmly spelled out when Alpha's leader, Nicky Gumbel, had an audience with Pope John-Paul II at the Vatican in February, 2004. After shaking hands with the Pontiff, head of the Great Whore Church of Babylon, Gumbel enthused:

 “It was a great honour to be presented to Pope John Paul II, who has done so much to promote evangelisation around the world…what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us.”

With this incredible statement, Gumbel swept aside and dismissed the vast catalogue of Roman Catholicism's grievous errors and pagan practices which should have made him declare - if he was indeed a Christian in the true sense of the term - "What DIVIDES us is infinitely greater than what UNITES us!" 

The Scriptural position on such matters? 

"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty."

(2 Corinthians 6:14-18)

IMPORTANT NOTE: 'Alpha for Catholics' runs out of the same Holy Trinity Brompton HQ as all the rest of Alpha. And THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE WHATSOEVER BETWEEN 'ALPHA FOR CATHOLICS' AND ALPHA FOR EVERYONE ELSE! THINK ABOUT IT!

THE ALPHA COURSE IS UNDOUBTEDLY ONE OF THE GREATEST TOOLS OF ECUMENISM IN THE WORLD TODAY. It is no mere coincidence that wherever you find a strong 'Churches Together' drive, you'll find it almost inevitably and intrinsically linked to the running of an Alpha Course. 

Take the border town of Chepstow as a good Welsh example of this tie-up:

"Individual churches of Chepstow are members of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, and one of the four national ecumenical organisations, through their national denomination or organisation."

"We have been running Alpha Courses together for many years now. 
We share the invitation event and the Alpha Weekend 
or Day in the middle of the course."

Alpha is a glove that fits perfectly on the hand of End-Times apostasy! It is ecumenical to the core, and like all such things makes great efforts to compromise on fundamental Biblical precepts and sound doctrine. It promotes a "one-size-fits-all" type of "Christianity" which presents a culturally acceptable approach to matters of faith. Sin is indistinctly defined, "works salvation" never questioned, the abominations of Catholic practices and concepts are not challenged in any way.

Consider this quote from ex-PM and Catholic convert Tony Blair:

"Alpha ... is probably the most interesting and 
incredible thing going on in our Christian world." 

Tony Blair, it should be well noted, is the founder and patron of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, which promotes the kind of inter-faith dialogue with the attendant cooperation and compromise which is such a vital part of the Satanic strategy to usher in the One World Religion of Antichrist. One of the members of the TBFF's Religious Advisory Council is none other than the Rev. Dr. Rick Warren, the best-selling author of 'The Purpose-Driven Lie' (sorry, 'Life') and founder of the 'PEACE Coalition' which of course also dovetails very snugly into this over-arching diabolical grand scheme of the Enemy! (PLEASE SEE THE SHORT "PEACE PLAN" VIDEO POSTED AT THE END OF THIS ARTICLE).

And, yes, Rick Warren has given his own ringing endorsement of the Alpha Course:

"As the author of The Purpose Driven Church and The Purpose Driven Life, I, Rick Warren, want to tell you that Alpha has my 100% endorsement and I would encourage you to use it in small groups in your Church and everywhere that you can."  
(Source: Alpha USA)

"Well, Nicky, if Henry VIII hadn't wanted a divorce, 
we'd both be in the same Church now anyway!"

"Yes, Nicky, we're driven by a common purpose in life. 
To undermine the tenets of the Faith as best we can!" 

Having digested the foregoing, it should come as no real surprise to find that these two lead players in the field of false "Christianity" and completely unscriptural inter-faith dialogue, should both have been celebrated guests of Nicky Gumbel at the HTB Leadership Conference at the Royal Albert Hall in May, 2012. It speaks volumes for the utterly apostate condition of "Christian" leaders today, that the 4,300+ delegates from over 50 countries, gave Tony Blair a standing ovation.

Very revealing are the glowing testimonials given to Alpha in the SECULAR Press:

"What Alpha offers, and what is attracting thousands of people, is permission, rare in secular culture, to discuss the big questions - life and death and their meaning."
(The Guardian)

"What distinguishes Alpha from other initiatives is the easy-going, relaxed feel of the proceedings - that, and its astonishing success."
(The Times)

"Many claim Alpha has changed their lives and appear genuinely happier for the experience."
(Time Magazine)

"Alpha is an unqualified triumph."
(The Daily Telegraph)

"Alpha makes Christianity relevant to modern life."
(The Express)

In contemplating such resounding words of praise for Alpha in these popular publications, I'm mindful of the Scripture that speaks of something which we would all do well to take to heart:
"Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! 
for so did their fathers to the false prophets."
(Luke 6:26)

When a "Christian" initiative is so universally spoken well of in such organs as these, it really is a sure signal that real believers should worry greatly about said initiative! The TRUE Gospel of Jesus Christ is NEVER spoken so well of in such quarters. In fact, it's not spoken of at all! It is absolute anathema!

Let's say it as it is. Alpha is an abomination, a subtle and Satanic exercise in mass deception. It presents a false faith and a false unity, offering a "politically correct" and "head not heart" acceptance of a diligently diluted "Christianity." A "Christianity" that shrinks away from any confronting of people with the desperately depraved nature of sin and how it renders everyone utterly and hopelessly lost outside of Jesus Christ, being completely alienated from their holy and just Creator. Scripture, in complete contrast, tackles this critical issue head on:

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: 
who can know it?" 
(Jeremiah 17:9)

Alpha makes no stand against error. Why? Because it is itself error. Hence its widespread appeal in a world and a "Church" which wants to do its own thing, go its own way, and not face up to how things really are. Alpha seeks to make the Faith a flesh-pleasing life-STYLE choice, rather than a self-denying, life-CHANGING decision with a heartfelt and very REAL repentance under the complete conviction of the Holy Spirit. It is the broad road cunningly marketed as the narrow way. And it leads back to Rome. And DESTRUCTION!
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* * * * * PART 2 TO FOLLOW * * * * *